Frequently asked questions and answers

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions by our audience. Click on each question to see the answer. If there is still any doubt, send us through the contact form so that the answer will be sent to you.
Who Are You?

The founding members of “Artistam” magazine are artists and faculty members from various universities in countries such as Iran, the United States, and Poland. They established this magazine independently with the aim of creating a platform to introduce new talents and offer fresh dialogues in the field of art. In our vision for the future, new members from different countries will join our team. Perhaps you could be one of us!

New members are selected through the review of applications and resumes by the current members. The criteria for selection include skill, commitment, and dedication to the creation of artistic works.
Please send your application and resume to artistam.org@gmail.com. If your application is approved by the editorial board, you will be notified via email to provide additional information.
Yes. The biennial membership fee for the editorial board of “Artistam” magazine is $170.
What Are The Benefits Of Joining The Editorial Board Of "Artistam" Magazine?

“Artistam” is an international art magazine published with the collaboration of renowned and independent artists from around the world. The magazine’s issues are officially available to the public through Amazon Publishing. As a member of the editorial board, you have the opportunity to publish a note on the theme of each issue or a report on your own activities in every edition of the magazine. Additionally, each editorial board member will have a dedicated page on the magazine’s website, which can be updated for each issue. This participation adds value and prestige to your presence in the publication.

For each issue of the magazine, a call for submissions with a specific theme is published on the magazine’s website and social networks. Artists can submit their works for evaluation through the online submission system by paying a review fee. This fee is charged to prevent non-targeted submissions and will be deducted from the publication fee if the works are selected for inclusion in the magazine.

The fees for each issue are announced in the corresponding call for submissions.

Yes. In addition to being featured in each issue, one artist is chosen by the judges as the featured artist. A report about the selected artist, including their biography, works, and contact information, will be presented on the “Artistam” magazine website.