Title: Unnamed
Author: Mitra Kavandy
Rating: (7.5/10) – 6x rated
Views: 178
Description: My work draws deep inspiration from nature and its profound impact on form and space. A key source of inspiration for me is Kal Jenni Canyon in Tabas, Iran—a place where, over centuries, fierce winds, floods, and water have sculpted extraordinary shapes into the rocks. To me, these natural formations evoke the human body. The cracks and cavities within these structures symbolize pain and suffering, yet they simultaneously embody beauty and resilience. This duality lies at the heart of my artistic exploration—a balance between vulnerability and strength, between agony and aesthetic. I have presented two of my recent works, which consist of three photographs. In the arrangement, one form is placed above another. This form is a hollow cube at its center. This composition is designed to provoke reflection on the concepts of pain, presence, and spatial relationships. My second piece builds on this conceptual journey, focusing on the interplay between natural forms, space, and identity. In both works, I strive to reflect the beauty and power of nature as a bridge connecting the past and present, and the relationship between humans and their environment.